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 dofus guide

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4 participants

Messages : 1
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2009

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MessageSujet: dofus guide   dofus guide Icon_minitime31.07.09 12:00

dofus guide

Hi all dofus players need a nice strength cra but its so hard to train a the begin i will tell you

how to become a nice strength cra till reach lvl 31
its kinda easy if you have a other acc ho has money and u can start easily.


if you reach incarnam first do the quest named ''first woapens'' you can start it by talking to

Struk'tohr Nhin you will have to figth something weak
then you should go if you have adv set figth wild sunflowers if you dont have 1 you should figth

little gobbal DONT FORGET to only raise strength
you should use magic arrow to figth.
when reaching lvl 3 you get your first earth attack but its not good yet so stay using magic arrow

stay figthing sunflowers till you reach lvl 11
now you have 10 spell points put them in homing its now lvl 5 1-10 damage it sound weak but it isnt

wear a nice strength gobbal set and a ''fortifying ring''
its better if you have a nice 1 whit +15 strength now you have nice damage whit homing arrow like 30+

and thet only in 1 shot so 2x 30+=
now train on chafers till you reach lvl 20 now you should go to ankama and kill boars and prespics

till reach lvl 30 and thet was my guide.

I hope you will become a very nice strength cra !!!

quote from dofus forum
dofus kamas
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Messages : 123
Date d'inscription : 22/10/2008
Age : 30

Caractéristiques du Ninja
Village de Naissance :: Kumo
Avertissements: 0

dofus guide Empty
MessageSujet: Re: dofus guide   dofus guide Icon_minitime01.08.09 6:22

Je vous jure y'a des ces boulets...
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Messages : 228
Date d'inscription : 17/09/2008
Age : 29
Localisation : Un indice ? C'est sur Terre ^^

dofus guide Empty
MessageSujet: Re: dofus guide   dofus guide Icon_minitime01.08.09 23:54

I hope you'll understand that you're a bit stupid to post this message on a inactive forum like this one -_-'
I didn't read all your text but I think I didn't miss any important thing...
And just in case you didn't see it, this is a French forum here...

Abruti va.
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Messages : 114
Date d'inscription : 19/11/2008

dofus guide Empty
MessageSujet: Re: dofus guide   dofus guide Icon_minitime29.08.09 14:29

Huh' !
Une serviette est apparu, et a disparu xD.
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MessageSujet: Re: dofus guide   dofus guide Icon_minitime

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dofus guide
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